Every movement needs a bold leader with a clear vision. Rabbi Yaacov Haber, who has served as Rabbi of Kehillas Shivtei Yeshurun for over six years, is an inspiring, broad-minded scholar and leading student of Rabbi Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg Zt'l, with a deeply rooted love of all Jews and of the Land of Israel.
During an acclaimed tenure of over thirty five years in the rabbinate, Rabbi Haber served in the US and in Australia, in both large and small Jewish communities. He served as the National Director of Jewish Education for the Orthodox Union; the Rabbi of Congregation Beis Torah in Monsey; and as the founder of the Australian Institute of Torah and the Torah Center of Buffalo. He is a founding member of AJOP (the Association of Jewish Outreach Professionals), has published numerous articles, books and DVD’s and is a sought-after international lecturer.
His unwavering dedication to truth, his refreshingly open attitude, his profound advice and his unique blend of traditional and Chassidic thought, coupled with his approachable, warm demeanor, have quickly established him as one of the most influential Rabbonim in the Beit Shemesh area.
KSY grew five-fold within two years of the Rabbi’s joining. His message extends well beyond our own bursting community, spanning all generations and ages.
American Friends of KSY is a 501(C)3 recognised organization.
British Friends of KSY is a UK registered charity.
Kehillat Shivtei Yeshurun is a registered Amuta for sif 46 in Israel.