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We have far outgrown our current facility. For the past few years KSY has used a rented villa as our Shul and headquarters. Thank G-d, this space can no longer contain our Kehilla. On Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur we scramble to find an alternative location for our overflow crowd; on Tisha B’Av 150 men and women sit on a floor fit for 10.
Our children have no place to grow and the women of the Kehilla sit cramped behind a curtain.
On Shabbos Shuva and Shabbos HaGadol men and women come half an hour early to save themselves a seat for the Rav’s droshah. Purim and Simchas Torah must be practiced in shifts.
Currently, KSY hosts shiurim morning and night, the Rav's famous shiurim on Shabbos and Yom Tov, a nightly semicha program, and Daf HaYomi.
Its not just aesthetics; its about servicing and reaching out to our ever growing community.
Over the past few years I have been very impressed by the work and dedication of Rabbi Haber and the Kehillat Shivtei Yeshurun (KSY) community. Since Rabbi and Rebbetzin Haber’s arrival in Ramat Beit Shemesh, KSY has grown by leaps and bounds and so has its positive impact on the community of Ramat Bet Shemesh and beyond. As you know, building a city is more than erecting buildings. It’s about cultivating a loving, tolerant, caring, productive, happy society. The classes, counseling and communal chessed that comes out from KSY does all of this and more. It’s a major blessing for our city.
I wholeheartedly support the endeavors of Rabbi Haber. In addition to its beauty, KSY’s new building is a much needed foundation for their communal activities and impact. I have personally contributed $1,000 of my own funds to their building project and urge all, who have the means, to do at least the same.
We are excited and eager to see KSY’s new home built in the very near future and to enjoy the ever-growing blessings that the KSY community brings to Bet Shemesh and Israel.
Moshe Abutbul
Mayor of Beit Shemesh
American Friends of KSY is a 501(C)3
recognised organization.
British Friends of KSY is a UK registered charity.
Kehillat Shivtei Yeshurun is a registered
Amuta for sif 46 in Israel.