US Tax Deductible donations
can be made to American Friends of Kehillat Shivtei Yeshurun which is a 501(C)3 recognised organization EIN is 26-0074154


Click to donate withUSA credit card


Donate with a wire transfer:

Bank Name: Wells Fargo

Bank Address: 154 ROUTE 59, MONSEY, NY, 10952

Account number: 7514457931

Account Name: American Friends of Kehillat Shivtei Yeshurun

Routing Numbers: 121000248


Reference: Senders name


Donate by sending a check:

Please make checks out to

“American Friends of Kehillat Shivtei Yeshurun”.

Mail it to:

Mrs. Becker

115 Norben Rd

Monsey NY



Donate via PayPal:



UK Tax Deductible donations

can be made to British Friends of Kehillas Shivtei Yeshurun UK registered charity number is 1112232.

For personal donations, please also let us know if we can make a Gift Aid claim for your donation


Click to donate withUK credit card


Donate with a bank transfer:

Bank Name: Barclays Bank

Bank Address: Leicester, LE87 2BB, England

Sort Code: 20-45-45

Account number: 83704734

Account Name: British Friends of Kehillas Shivtei Yeshurun

Reference: Senders name


Donate by sending a cheque:

Please make cheques out to

British Friends of KSY c/o Appstractor

252 The Kinetic Centre

Theobald Street


Herts WD6 4PJ



Israel Tax Deductible donations

Kehillas Shivtei Yeshurun is a registered Amuta for seif 46 in Israel, registration number 58-042301-0




Donate by sending a cheque:

Bank: The First International Bank of Israel

Account Number: 549134

Account Name: Kehillat Shivtei Yeshurun

Branch: Pagi Beit Shemesh Branch (179)

Address: Nachal HaKishon 48, Beit Shemesh

Tel: +972-2-9906400; Fax: +972-3-5134179


IBAN: IL​1805​21790000000549134

​Reference: Sender's Name


Donate by sending a cheque:

Please make cheques out to

“Kehillas Shivtei Yeshurun”

and either drop it into the shul’s internal office mailbox, or mail it to:

Kehillas Shivtei Yeshurun

Nahal Katlav 1 (entrance on Dolev)

Beit Shemesh


 American Friends of KSY is a 501(C)3

recognised organization.

British Friends of KSY is a UK registered charity.

Kehillat Shivtei Yeshurun is a registered

Amuta for sif 46 in Israel.